

Kindia, Guinea , Tim Oun

(E =) Environment

Promoting environmental protection, preservation and minimizing the impact of business operations, including the management of:
Emissions, waste, noise, dust
Energy efficiency and management greenhouse gas emissions (climate change)
Effects on biodiversity, avoiding loss of and contributing to more biodiversity
Efficient use of natural resources and land
Product stewardship and supply chain accountability

(S =) Social

Operating a controlled work environment free from unacceptable risks of injury and adverse health effects, including the management of:
Process safety, prevention of unintentional releases of chemicals, energy or hazardous materials
Occupational health and safety, promotion of health programs and safe behavior of employees
Community health, especially in less developed areas

Managing ESG issues and challenges with employees, communities, and other stakeholders, to strengthen public trust and effective cooperation, including:

Programs to uphold, promote, respect and protect human rights and community safety and security in accordance with internationally recognized standards of conduct (e.g. UNGPs)
Stakeholder relationships, communication and engagement with communities
Employee development and care programs

(G =) Governance

Management and control of ESG-related risks and issues, to continuously assess, prioritize and respond to ESG risks and opportunities, including an effective system to direct and control a company:
Corporate governance, board and corporate organisation
Business ethics, corporate values
Corporate policies and processes
Risk, compliance and integrity management
Due Diligence procedures
Employee development, diversity, incentivation
Practices of transparency, disclosure and accountability, including:
Generally accepted ESG accounting practices, sustainability and ESG reporting
Total economic contributions (taxes, royalties, etc.), and transparency on payments to governments (e.g. EITI)
Government relations, lobbying practices
Commitment to industry voluntary standards
Compliance and Integrity Management *
Compliance and integrity management – risk assessments, due diligence, investigations, policy frameworks, governance and compliance processes.
* We can draw on our extensive global network of specialists such as legal or forensic teams. Corporate compliance programs with a focus on Anti-Bribery and Corruption (ABC) are delivered in association with n-sure International.

Center-pivot irrigation near Dallhart, Texas, USA, USGS/NASA

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