Promoting environmental protection, preservation and minimizing the impact of business operations, including the management of:
• Emissions, waste, noise, dust
• Energy efficiency and management greenhouse gas emissions (climate change)
• Effects on biodiversity, avoiding loss of and contributing to more biodiversity
• Efficient use of natural resources and land
• Product stewardship and supply chain accountability
(S =) Social
Operating a controlled work environment free from unacceptable risks of injury and adverse health effects, including the management of:
• Process safety, prevention of unintentional releases of chemicals, energy or hazardous materials
• Occupational health and safety, promotion of health programs and safe behavior of employees
• Community health, especially in less developed areas
Managing ESG issues and challenges with employees, communities, and other stakeholders, to strengthen public trust and effective cooperation, including:
• Programs to uphold, promote, respect and protect human rights and community safety and security in accordance with internationally recognized standards of conduct (e.g. UNGPs)
• Stakeholder relationships, communication and engagement with communities
• Employee development and care programs
(G =) Governance
Management and control of ESG-related risks and issues, to continuously assess, prioritize and respond to ESG risks and opportunities, including an effective system to direct and control a company:
• Corporate governance, board and corporate organisation
• Business ethics, corporate values
• Corporate policies and processes
• Risk, compliance and integrity management
• Due Diligence procedures
• Employee development, diversity, incentivation
Practices of transparency, disclosure and accountability, including:
• Generally accepted ESG accounting practices, sustainability and ESG reporting
• Total economic contributions (taxes, royalties, etc.), and transparency on payments to governments (e.g. EITI)
• Government relations, lobbying practices
• Commitment to industry voluntary standards
Compliance and Integrity Management*
• Compliance and integrity management – risk assessments, due diligence, investigations, policy frameworks, governance and compliance processes.
* We can draw on our extensive global network of specialists such as legal or forensic teams. Corporate compliance programs with a focus on Anti-Bribery and Corruption (ABC) are delivered in association with n-sure International.
Center-pivot irrigation near Dallhart, Texas, USA, USGS/NASA