ESG is an essential part of corporate strategy and an integral component of long-term success.

Phytoplankton bloom near Alaska’s Pribilof Islands, NASA


Building an effective ESG strategy.

Developing a responsible business strategy starts with understanding the business environment and risks, as well as stakeholders’ requirements and expectations. This helps to place the focus on material issues.

We work with Boards and Executive Management to:
Help clarify the corporate purpose and shape an authentic set of corporate values.
Establish an ESG vision, values and an approach that is informed by shared 'common sense' norms and practices of the organization.
Develop an ESG strategy and approach that is aligned to and embedded in corporate values, mission and vision, strategy, and the industry and business model. An approach that reflects changing market demands, regulations and government policies, material risks and issues, and competitive pressure. A strategy which provides a Corporate-wide vision and direction – across production, products and the entire supply chain – upstream and downstream.
From strategy to implementation.

As focus shifts from ambition to delivery, and implementation complexities emerge, companies need to remain focused and pragmatic while not wavering on their vision for a sustainable future.

We help companies
With their ambition to be at the forefront of ESG and develop and deploy effective ESG approaches that effectively create value for the company and its stakeholders.
Design, build and implement operations-focused and integrated management frameworks and systems to accomplish important objectives on a range of ESG topics such as Health and Safety, People, Communities and Stakeholders, Environment and Product Stewardship.

Photovoltaic cells, Bridgwater, United Kingdom, Ryan Searle

Measuring the outcomes.

Any company must know where they stand, and how they can do better.

We support our clients in
Building systems and consistent practices that can measure ESG performance relative to commitments, objectives and planned results, and ensure corrections are made in operational processes to drive continuous improvement.
Designing and implementing effective Monitoring, Performance Reporting and Review & Audit processes and procedures.
Informing stakeholders.

Everything in Business is Relationship. Conducting business responsibly creates lasting results that benefit all stakeholders and contributes to building and maintaining the 'social license to operate and market'.

We support our clients in
Identifying key stakeholders and maintaining an open dialogue and engagement with stakeholders on material ESG issues.
The design and implementation of ESG performance reporting processes, tools and procedures.
In the development of frameworks to regularly and transparently report on ESG performance and outcomes – aligned with generally accepted reporting standards – including producing and publishing corporate ESG reports to provide full, accurate, and meaningful information.

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